Wednesday, September 9, 2009


A few months of talking about drawing motorcycles and hunting images and I can now finally introduce the latest in the Vintage Vehicles Postcards series: MOTORBIKES ! Visualize Steve McQueen flying on this bike in The Great Escape...

I was overwhelmed by the abundance of cool vintage bikes, and it was no easy task to select only six to draw. I've surely left out lots of good ones. Here are some neat sources for motorcycle enthusiasts:

The Selvedge Yard

Solvang Vintage Motorcycle Museum

Vintage and Classic Bikes

Vintage Motorcycles on flickr


  1. Hey Kirsten, it's Emily Guerin. When are you going to be posting these to your etsy shop? They'd be the perfect gift for a friend of mine who's a huge motorcycle enthusiast.

  2. Very cool, Kirsten! Love the idea and they look great.
