Saturday, February 19, 2011

Letterpress: Questions, Answers, Inspiration

It is a New Year's Resolution: LEARN LETTERPRESS.
I have been gathering inspiration: perusing paper shops like Le Village Marche - Paris is just down the street!, as well as the mother of all paper shops, Paper Source. I've been delighted to find artists whose work I adore. Many are featured in this book, a compilation of the work of 30 contemporary Letterpress Artists by Charlotte Rivers, from Chronicle Books.
I've even found some clues about how to learn Letterpress in Alexandria and a host of videos, including this one which takes a tour of Hatch Show Print, Letterpressing since 1879 in downtown Nashville.
"Preservation through Production"
- Hatch Show Print Manager, Jim Sherraden

I loved the comment by RayDAidler:
A Graphics Art student asked the instructor,
"What is the difference between offset and letterpress printing?"
The instructor told him, "When a girl kisses her handkerchief then presses it against your lips, that's kinda like offset printing. But when she presses her lips against yours, now that's LETTERPRESS ! "

1 comment:

  1. My name is Jim and I've spent 35 yrs in the letterpress industry from proofreading to hand set type to press operation of die cut, stamping, multiple numbering machines to printing on almost everything. Can I be of help? Jim Boyd
