Monday, July 25, 2011

Unpacking Treasures & RELICS

Since most of my things have been in storage for the past year, unpacking has been an interesting discovery of things saved, remembered, curiosities that were too curious to discard in Savannah, some things that probably should have been left at home in Savannah, pieces of Virginia back home in Virginia. And some things that could be called relics for their relative obsolescence...which makes me feel like time and me are passing each other at different speeds as we both move forward. A look backward...A very nice watch my mother gave me, not worn since the advent of cell phones that resides in a favorite candy tin - peanut butter ginger chews,
a good luck horseshoe from Reba,
a small steel origami model from first year studio that nested in another larger version,
a rusted quarter,
a handstitched ipod coozy from Afton,
a cupcake ballerina from Back in the Day,
an old clay pipe from Pamplin Virginia,
one of the sweet bridesmaids earrings designed by Julie,
pine-scented oil.

particularly good shells and rocks

a small collection of dead butterflies in a cassette

Walden, c. , from John LeBey's house

Colonial Williamsburg, c. 1936, from John LeBey's house

2010 planner with a spread created during a boring airport layover of saved text messages on a now-discarded phone

foreign money
TLR camera necklace pendant, vintage matchboxes

my grandfather's pens and measuring stick, acquired after his funeral
a "game" I designed in my college Building Sustainability class depicting climate-responsive vernacular building methods around the world
What are these? Slides!

What are THESE?? black and white file negatives! Several binders full of them... What to do with them?

prints and sketches of places in Virginia

my childhood stamp collection
a box of almost all of the letters and notes I've saved

In photographing these things, I can at least consider discarding some in my desire to have less possessions. But it is kind of nice to go through them and remember...