Saturday, November 2, 2013

Architecture + Topography = ARCH-TOPO Drawing; Staunton VA

Staunton Virginia is city of hills! My passion of late has been trying to identify them by name from afar, approaching town. I think I've nailed it down - but please contact me of you find an error!
I'll call this an ARCHI-TOPO Map as it combines [my favorite subjects] Architecture and Maps! 
This topographical map shows the city core, nestled among the hills, its main roads and railroad connecting the tidy metropolis of western Virginia to points north, south, east and west. Staunton's smorgasbord of architectural styles is featured in the border of the map-drawing, including the 10 block of West Beverley Street and a variety of houses found in Newtown.
Gypsy Hill was part of the 975-acre Spring Farm in the 19th century.  Reservoir Hill hosts a ball field today and the substructures of an large water reservoir for town water.
Gospel Hill hosted religious meetings and revivals when it was the rural edge of town before the late 1800s. Now Gospel Hill is covered with many of the largest homes in town.
Mary Gray and Betsy Bell, the largest hills surrounding the city on the east, reflect the legend of two girls who ran away together to escape the plague in Ireland, built themselves a shack in the woods but eventually succumbed to death when a lover of one brought a plague-infected handkerchief as a gift. So tragic...
Montgomery Hall, like Spring Farm / Gypsy Hill, was a large farm or plantation in the 1800s. It's also a city park, today, including the original manor house.
Postcards, too! The topographical map with city blocks on front, the flags marking the various Staunton hills along the back, bottom.
Find them in MY etsy SHOP
and at Black Swan Books on Beverley Street.

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