Saturday, December 26, 2009

Georgia to Karnataka

Almost as soon as I set them, my goals for New Drawings began to evaporate. Enter: Rotary Group Study Exchange. After four months of preparation, from application/interviews to final departure, it's been an enlivening experience to be selected for the District 6920 GSE team this year to travel to INDIA for five weeks.

On Sunday, I fly with three teammates/friends and our group leader from Savannah, Georgia to Mangalore, India - via Dubai and New York City.

Developing a Presentation to show Rotarians and others in India about where we live and who we are was an element of our preparation. My curiosity about India led me, first, to maps. I had been gathering maps about various aspects of India, so I volunteered to begin designing the Presentation with a series of macro-scale demographic comparison maps. A few came to fruition in our final presentation and other comparisons followed.

So I'll be seeing and experiencing some amazing things in Karnataka, India. As we are able to find time and internet access in our full and exciting schedule, we'll be posting photos to our group web log HERE.


  1. Great to meet you all.

  2. Wish you a very Happy new year and best wishes

  3. That is so interesting! I can't believe how many people live there. That alone would be a culture shock for me.
