I do hope to sell some. It is very validating. Regardless, there are many many many many more to come.
I've been a bit manic lately in an effort to bring this flood of ideas to fruition. It is a sequential process of testing the idea, if it's any good. This is the quintessential quality of card-making. There is comparatively quick gratification, following an idea to its realization as a thing you can hold in your hand. They are like building blocks: the little drawings are tested as they become cards. If they stand up as cards, the idea can progress to a real drawing - or a set of cards. I think a few of these can progress.
Manic, perhaps, but incredibly joyful. This quote by Le Corbusier, I think, a scrap saved from my desk in architecture school has resurfaced and been my companion at the desk this week: "...I first of all felt joyous. I felt that which Joy is made of, and I realized that Joy must have been the impelling force, that which was there before we were there, and that somehow Joy was in every ingredient of our making...And somehow the word Joy became the most immeasurable word. It was the essence of creativity, the force of creativity. I realized if I were a painter about to paint a great catastrophe, I could not put the first stroke on canvas without thinking of Joy in doing it. You cannot make a building unless you are joyously engaged."
A bit lofty for my small endeavor, but very meaningful.