Sunday, July 27, 2008

hello, JONES Street

I am planning toward the next volume of streetscape drawings as I select the next blocks to draw. This is Savannah Volume 1 features the variety of blocks scattered throughout downtown Savannah; Volume 2 will feature a continuous streetscape along one street, the famously picturesque Jones Street. Nine blocks on the north side of the street amd nine on the south, for a nice collection of eighteen drawings. That will be 144 inches of streetscape, unfurled!

One aspect which makes Jones Street so lovely are the large live oaks and wide 13' tree lawn gardens which stand between the street and the buildings. This is a challenge to finding all of the architetural details on these stately edifices. It seems fruitless to attempt to fit all of the photos, taken at random scales and angles, into a panoramic composite of the streetscape, so - as I begin - here are of few of the challenges of the 200 Block of West Jones Street.

This is Savannah Vol. 1

I've been a hard, hard worker - every day.
My nighttime habit lately is book-making, and I am pleased with this batch of books, finished this weekend.
This is Savannah Vol. I is now printed on sturdy cardstock and the Savannah map on the front inside cover includes a North arrow. Everything gets better with time and experience...

Friday, July 11, 2008

(This is Portland)

An abundance of bungalows, old cars, vintage dresses, roses,

tall trees and bicycles in Portland.

Please click on the images to view larger.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

(Streetscapes of Portland, Oregon)

Portland has a rich and wide neighborhood fabric of Bungalows, mixed among Craftman, Colonial, Shingle, Minimalist Traditional, English Cottage, and
Tudor Revival influences...
Please click the streetscape images to view larger.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

600 BLOCK East Congress Street

The 600 block of East Congress Street (South) is an odd assortment of buildings.
I like the movement this individuality creates in the skyline; the window banks reveal variety in floor to ceiling heights. I like the arched opening of the backyard passage in the one-story brick row in the center of the block.
I have included construction dates where possible. The two wood-frame structures may be turn of the 19th century, and the one-story stucco at the west corner, latter half of the 20th century. This collection of buildings spans 150 years.

Monday, July 7, 2008

600 BLOCK East Congress Street_Evolution

(This last drawing is an overlay. I will determine whether to include the monstrous vines surrounding the windows - or not - when I "stitch" the drawings together to compose the final streetscape.)